Salaca River

The Salaca River, the fifth largest river in Latvia, originates from Lake Burtnieks and is 94.4 km long. Salaca is the core of the "Salaca Valley" Nature Park, one of the most picturesque rivers in Latvia with outstanding natural values. More info ››

The Lamprey fishing trade and Lamprey weir

Address:Meldru iela 22, Salacgrīva
Phone: +371 29268299
Only in Salacgrīva is the weir, a unique fishing technique with a centuries-long history, still used for lamprey fishing today. More info ››

The Museum of Salacgriva

Address: Sila 2, Salacgrīva
Phone:+371 64071981
Salacgrīva Museum was founded in 1998 and acts as a regional history centre for local residents, tourists and history researchers. More info ››

Store "Created in the Limbaži region"

Address:Rīgas iela 13, Salacgrīva
Phone: +371 26331880
"Radīts Limbažu novadā" was created with the aim of promoting products made in the Limbaži region and services available from local providers, to enhance the competitiveness of local production and make the business environment in the region more attractive. More info ››

Salacgrīva Promenade

The Salaca promenade was created to protect the right bank of the Salaca river from erosion. More info ››

Association boat

Address:Rīgas ielā 10, Salacgrīva
A fishing boat donated to the town by fisherman Visvaldis Šrenks in November 2006 is on display at 10 Rīgas Street, Salacgrīva. More info ››

Ceramic sculpture "The Mover"

On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of Salacgrīva, a fire sculpture was built and burnt, which has been a landmark for Salacgrīvians and tourists ever since. It was created by artist Imants Klīdzējs. More info ››

Electric bicycle rental “Easy Ride”

Address:“Tači”, Salacgrīvas pagasts
Phone:+371 22084232
Enjoy the ease of a ride with the E-bike and get a whole new experience of cycling. A ride on the E-velo is the perfect outdoor activity. More info ››

Imants Klīdzējs ceramics workshop "Enkuri"

Address: "Enkuri", Salacgrīvas pagasts
Phone:+371 29151889
Workshop "Enkuri" - the home of ceramist Imants Klīdzējas- is a special place. Just being there is an adventure - surrounded by art of different calibre, types and textures. The surroundings are absolutely peaceful, time stands still and Imants' stories sparkle. More info ››

Boat rental "Lāču laivas"

Address:Jauntači, Salacgrīvas pagasts
Phone:+371 25135868
Northern Vidzeme and its pearls - Salaca, Svētupe, Jaunupe and Vitrupe. The desire of the boat rental company "Lāču laivas" is to help boaters by providing quality and thoughtful service. More info ››

St. Maria Goreti Catholic Church in Salacgrīva

Address:Valmieras iela 2, Salacgrīva
Phone:+371 27497288
The church was built in 1997. The architect is D. Straubergs, the long-standing chairman of the Salacgrīva Municipality Council (now chairman of the Limbaži Municipality Council). More info ››

Boat rental "Atpūta Salacā"

Address:Jaunarkādijas, Salacgrīvas pagasts
Phone:+371 29222653; +371 26117998
"Atpūta Salacā" is a boat rental company, providing full-service delivery of water tourism equipment on one- and multi-day recreational routes along the Salaca and Svētupe rivers. More info ››

Boat rental "Čiekurlaivas"

Address:Karateri 2, Salacgrīvas pagasts
Phone:+371 29 489 576
Boat rental "Čiekurlaivas" offers canoe and kayak rentals, as well as SUP rentals. More info ››

Trip on the motorboat "Valhalla" or sailing yacht

Address:Pērnavas iela 49A, Salacgrīva (Kuiviži)
Phone:+371 29990001
A sea trip is a royal and splendid choice for your special life event – a birthday, wedding, anniversary, or celebrating a reunion with old friends.

More info ››

Alley of fame

On 16 July 2016, the " Alley of Fame" was opened on the promenade. The idea was conceived by Dagnis Straubergs. In the alley, you will find 24 bronze palm prints of famous people who have visited our city. More info ››

Annasmuiža ferroconcrete bridge

Address:Salacgrīvas pagasts
The bridge over the Salaca three kilometres up Salacgriva – the first ferroconcrete bridge in the Baltic States. More info ››

Beekeeper Ieva Skuja

Address:Pērnavas iela 37, Salacgrīva (Kuiviži)
Phone:+371 29435752
The beekeeper has 30 bee colonies in her backyard farm. Ieva's bee apiary is located in the coastal area of Salacgrīva parish, and the honey has a special, pleasant taste. More info ››

Boat trip on the sea

Address:Ostas iela, Salacgrīva
Phone:+371 29239481
The boat is perfect for small trips with friends and family at sea and on the Salaca River - up to 6 people will be comfortable. More info ››

Cycling route "Explore the ancient manor roads"

Address:Rīgas iela 10a, Salacgrīva
The cycling route "Explore the ancient manor roads" is designed as a circular route from Salacgrīva to Lāņi and back, with a total length of 20 kilometres. More info ››

Cycling route Salacgrīva - Veczemju cliffs

Address:Rīgas iela 10a, Salacgrīva
A route full of landscapes and cultural history will take you from Salacgrīva to the magnificent Veczemju cliffs. The route is about 25 km one way. More info ››
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