Skulte mõis ja park

Skulte manor was founded in 1st half of the 16th century. From century 80ties Skulte became the property of Šulceni family. After the Great Northern war a luxurious castle with gate and towers was built, a wide park was made and stone farm houses were built.
A marvellous place of relaxation for lovers, company staff – 60 km away from Riga in the direction of Tallinn, 6,5 km from Skulte Beach. The guesthouse is located in the old Skulte Manor (built in 1739) manager’s house that underwent complete renovation in 2004. The manor house itself was destroyed in 1910. Originally it was owned by Riga Burgomaster, Baron fon Schulcen.

Skulte Manor is a landmark of cultural and historical importance and it is a member of Association of Latvian Castles, Palaces and Manors. Within the territory of the Manor there is a big ancient park with 100-year old trees, a beautiful channel with a romantic bridge, grassy grounds for sports and recreation events, place for camping and making bonfires, volleyball field, easy parking.

The guesthouse is an ideal place for organization of staff events – a large banquet hall, a sauna with a humidity control system, a pool, a fireplace hall, vast terrace, comfortable double rooms (16 beds). Visitors are offered horseback riding, transportation service from/to Riga and elsewhere. Catering – as agreed beforehand. You are welcome!

Skultes pag.
lat: 57.372644721508586; lon: 24.496172616187188

+371 29546818, +371 29633393
Eelneva broneeringu alusel.

Keskkonnatervise talu „Cērpi”

Aadress:Cērpi, Skultes pag., Limbažu nov.,
Telefon: +371 29527291
A certified healer and reiki master offers lectures and advice on sauna healing, the collection and use of medicinal herbs, reiki healing sessions, as well as lectures and seminars on the importance of a healthy lifestyle and folk healing traditions. Loe veel ››

Lauču akmens

Aadress: Skultes pag., Limbažu nov.,
Telefon:+371 26350536
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